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July is Disability Pride Month

Jul 5, 2024

Celebrating Disability Pride Month at QSAC

July is Disability Pride Month, a time to celebrate the diversity and achievements of individuals with disabilities. At QSAC (Quality Services for the Autism Community), we embrace this month as an opportunity to recognize the unique strengths and contributions of the individuals we serve and raise awareness about the importance of inclusivity and acceptance.

What is Disability Pride Month?

Disability Pride Month commemorates the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990, a landmark civil rights law prohibiting discrimination against individuals with disabilities. The month is dedicated to celebrating the disability community and advocating for equal rights and opportunities.

Why is it important to celebrate Disability Pride?

Disability Pride Month is crucial for several reasons:

  • Visibility: It brings visibility to the disability community, challenging stereotypes and promoting understanding.
  • Acceptance: It encourages acceptance and appreciation of neurodiversity and the unique perspectives individuals with disabilities bring to our society.
  • Advocacy: It serves as a platform for advocating for inclusivity, accessibility, and equal opportunities in all aspects of life.

Join us in celebrating Disability Pride Month!

We believe everyone deserves to feel proud of who they are. We invite you to join us in celebrating Disability Pride Month by learning more about disability rights, advocating for inclusivity, and appreciating the unique strengths and perspectives of individuals with disabilities.

Together, we can create a more inclusive world for all.

#DisabilityPrideMonth #QSACCelebratesDiversity #InclusionMatters

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